Basic details about IP address
Everyone who surfs on the internet has an address, which is popularly known as IP address or internet protocol address. Our internet protocol address is just like the normal contact address that we give to people who may desire to keep correspondence with us. Both addresses can be tracked by people. IP address is used in a lot of different ways. Some websites may also track our activity for more accurate marketing, which is why there are so many pop up ads. A private IP address can be defined as the address of the device that is connected to the home or business network. Android users can click on the network name in their Wi-Fi settings, and it will show the IP address. Our public IP address is the main IP address to which our home or business network is connected with.
Summary about the IP address
Every website has an Internet Protocol address. This is a string of numbers like or broken into 4 sections and every section having up to three numbers. Many times there are even four numbers. It may even look like As these numbers are quite difficult to remember, web addresses are utilized for relative ease of use. But a web address is every time connected with an IP address to let the computer network know what the user needs and where to get that. Many of the users have a question that how to find their own or my IP address. Simply by searching in any of our favorite search engines we can find our public IP address. Every computer also has a unique IP address. It means that when we send out anything, our address is attached to the file. So if we are getting emails from someone who doesn’t identify himself or herself, we can make use of the address located at the top of the message for doing an IP trace. In such cases we might not get the name, however, we may get the area and city and thereby an Internet service provider in the area. Most Internet providers have greater protection in the way of Internet Protocol addresses than before.